From 'There’s No Way…' to 'A-ha!'

Spark new insights with our favorite books, podcasts, and videos to increase your self-awareness,
build your skills, and make work a happy place.



Crucial Conversations

Easy ways to have the hard conversations. We all avoid hard conversations, especially when we fear we can make things worse. Crucial Conversations offers a simple, though powerful, process to manage even the most challenging topics with compassion and care.

So You Want to Talk about Race

Makes the impossible possible: honest conversations about race. Ms. Oluo tackles our questions on race and building genuine relationships with candidness. Prepare to be simultaneously humbled and inspired.

The Making of a Manager

Answers all the questions first time managers have, but think they should already know. From how to spend your first three months, to running meetings, to giving feedback, this modern guide builds confidence and competence.

Ever wonder what to do with the stickies? Now you'll know how to choose the best warm-ups, brainstorming, and design-tools. No more boring meetings!

The Design Thinking Toolbox

Ever wonder what to do with the stickies? Now you'll know how to choose the best warm-ups, brainstorming, and design-tools. No more boring meetings!



Explode your thinking with Adam Grant. Using real examples from companies we all know – practice new ways to listen, learn, and foster genuine connections. Take a walk with the world's most interesting thinkers, creators, achievers, and leaders.

The Knowledge Project

Talk about learning things you didn’t know you didn't know! Shane Parish chats with psychologists, philosophers, and scientists to explore new mental models on how things work. Increase your self-awareness, avoid problems before they happen, and make better decisions.

Gallup Theme Thursday

CliftonStrengths is a self-awareness tool that helps you appreciate your unique power and value. Tune in with experts to learn more about the 34 Talent Themes and how to use them to be at your best.

Now & Then

“History doesn’t repeat itself; it rhymes.” Heather Cox Richardson take us on amazing historical journeys to explore the contrasts between image and reality in American politics. No one can explain the crazy of today’s politics they way she can.



. . . or is there? Check out Are Emotions Contagious in the Workplace? to learn how emotional contagion affects your organizational culture, productivity, and overall happiness.

Pro Tip = Smiles, appreciation, and genuine positive energy will get you further than free snacks, standing desks, and in-office massages. Contact us to learn how to build a strengths-based culture.

15 minutes


Jay Smooth teaches us that connecting through imperfection helps us find new ways to talk about race. Jay’s humor and honesty let us reimagine how being kind to ourselves and compassionate to others can lead to genuine conversations about belonging and acceptance.

12 minutes


Nothing is harder than making clear decisions AND making decisions clear. The Conscious Leadership Group offers the Decision Rights framework as a tool to help you assess what type of decision is needed, who needs to be involved, and how long it will take.

Pro Tip = The more support your decision needs, the longer you’ll need to socialize it. Contact us to discuss how you can use Decision Rights with your organization.

3 minutes

Ever wanna run screaming from a meeting?

Sometimes just hearing the phrase ‘Can I give you some feedback?’ feels scary. David Rock’s SCARF model explains what happens when our flight or fight instincts take over and how we can keep ourselves grounded.

Pro Tip = Take the NLI SCARF assessment to learn how you respond to different situations and new techniques for self-regulating. Contact us to discuss how brain-based coaching improves communication and collaboration.

4 minutes