Dare to Lead Workshop


Claudia joined an international group of organizational development leaders selected to participate in the inaugural certified Dare to Lead™ facilitator cohort, trained by Brené Brown.

During a Dare to Lead™ workshop, participants learn the four courage-building skills sets:

  • Rumbling with Vulnerability – Facing risk, uncertainty, and emotional exposure with courage and clarity

  • Living into Your Values – Practicing the beliefs we hold most important

  • BRAVING Trust - Creating or deepening connections in relationships and teams

  • Learning to Rise - Learning and growing from failures and disappointments

Outcomes from the Dare to Lead™ work include:

  • Increased emotional literacy and emotional intelligence

  • Enhanced skills to have hard conversations that improve connection, trust, and accountability

  • Expanded ability to take smart risks that lead to innovation

  • Improved capacity to reset quickly after stumbles and setbacks

Individuals who successfully complete the full 24-hours of training receive a certificate of completion and earn a Dare to Lead™ Trained badge that can be featured on their LinkedIn account.